Hello and welcome back to the NOTHING NEW blog...
I'm feeling the need for a more articulate outlet, sometimes Instagram just doesn't hit the spot when talking about the issues I care about. And now more than ever, these issues are growing in popularity which is awesome!
Recent social movements such as Fashion Revolution and Plastic Free July have brought more awareness to everyone which is a great thing, as well as mainstream channels bringing informative programs right into our living rooms. I believe it is all about education. Alot of the bleakness in this world could be overcome with education, and I'm not just talking about schools putting climate change and yoga on the curriculum (however that would definitley help!) But at home, with our friends, our colleagues....learning happens everywhere, and I'd love to make this blog a bit of a resource you can dip into.
I definitely don't have all the answers, but whilst I try and figure them out why not share it? It's what I intended to do in the first place! I'll be looking at the big stuff like; Why should I be a conscious consumer? (Because you're a Global Citizen) Will I lose all my friends if I bang on about single use plastic? (Maybe) What do natural/plastic free toothpastes taste like? (Some are gross)
Recent social movements such as Fashion Revolution and Plastic Free July have brought more awareness to everyone which is a great thing, as well as mainstream channels bringing informative programs right into our living rooms. I believe it is all about education. Alot of the bleakness in this world could be overcome with education, and I'm not just talking about schools putting climate change and yoga on the curriculum (however that would definitley help!) But at home, with our friends, our colleagues....learning happens everywhere, and I'd love to make this blog a bit of a resource you can dip into.
I definitely don't have all the answers, but whilst I try and figure them out why not share it? It's what I intended to do in the first place! I'll be looking at the big stuff like; Why should I be a conscious consumer? (Because you're a Global Citizen) Will I lose all my friends if I bang on about single use plastic? (Maybe) What do natural/plastic free toothpastes taste like? (Some are gross)
So here we go, first post up next! Eeek I'm excited!